Return to your true essential Nature

Lainie Burgess invites you to reconnect to your Soul and Pacha Mama, living in co-creative partnership with Nature

Foundations of SoulPetal

In a world of so much disconnection, so much separation, let us return to oneness and wholeness. Let us love ourselves and each other radically, and without conditions. Let us feel and experience the fullness of life and walk the path of our soul with grace and integrity.

Nature is our greatest spiritual teacher. Plants are conscious beings and can help us heal our bodies, minds, and our spirits. May we remember how to listen to them, take care of them, honor them, and love them.

As we work with the Spirit of the Plants to clear away blocks and energetic static that holds us back, we are able to hear ourselves and the messages of Pacha Mama with clarity and ease. We become deeply rooted in the center of our beings, and are able to live a life of fulfillment, aligned with our soul’s path. We feel free.

Join us on the spiraling path of healing and remembrance- finding the part of our soul that never left Nature.